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A craving strikes, and suddenly everything in the house is free-game. You’re pilfering the pantry, shaking boxes of cereal to see if there’s enough left to fill a bowl. You know you should have something better, but sometimes, eating clean can feel like such a burden. It’s in these moments when it feels impossible to stick to the plan!

If you are looking for a perfect appetizer, this Cranberry Chicken Salad on crunchy and fresh apple slices is exactly what you need! | yummyaddiction.com
photo source: Yummy Addiction

We get you! We know the struggle all too well. Our solution? Little swaps here and there to recipes you already know and love. So maybe you don’t have to ditch your favorite snack when that craving hits!

Lunch Inspiration

Years ago, my sister insisted we go out to lunch together, mainly because she had a serious need for a chicken salad sandwich. As I watched her eyes roll back in her head with that first bite, a real life foodgasm, I couldn’t help thinking, “that is the weirdest sandwich I have ever heard of!” Cranberries, celery, pecans, and chicken? I couldn’t help it – it sounded disgusting. I was going to stick to my veggie panini, thank you very much.

But, as every good sister does, she insisted that I ate least try a small bite. She might have bribed me with a follow-up bite of her brownie. Eyes wide and watering in despair, I held my breath and bit in.

Heaven. Magic. Glory. Fireworks.

I immediately regretted my sandwich choice, and have been salivating over chicken salad sandwiches ever since! But what about when you’re eating right? What if you’re following a program like Clean Simple Eats (as my sister is)? Well, this one goes out to you, Trina – a clean chicken salad a la apple slices!

Shopping During Quarantine

Being that our whole mission and goal at Liv is to spread wellness, we encourage you to spend as little time as possible in public spaces while preparing this meal. We know that is difficult to do, especially if you don’t already have some of these ingredients at home. We’ve provided links in the recipe for you to order directly from Amazon.

Stay healthy, stay safe, stay well, and when possible, stay home.

If you are looking for a perfect appetizer, this Cranberry Chicken Salad on crunchy and fresh apple slices is exactly what you need! | yummyaddiction.com
photo source: Yummy Addiction

Chicken Salad Apple Slices

It’s as easy as that! Combine all ingredients in a bowl – aside from the apple slices – and stir until well coated. Top each apple slice with a large spoonful of the chicken mixture. Enjoy!

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