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level up

Level Up

We're past "New Years goals". How are they going? 

After Evaluation, What’s Next?


Setting relevant goals to make your life easy, comfortable, and on autopilot is the right step to designing your life.


The idea of goal setting can be quite tedious but understanding yourself and your ‘WHY’ is important to making your life better.


It’s your Life by Design and the concern is on having your own imprint in your LIFE.


In today’s episode on the podcast, Jesi, Tristen, Krista, and Deboni share their personal experiences of setting goals and the best considerations to note.


Goal setting is important, however there are certain things to do in order to have achievable goals.

Some key takeaways from today’s episode are:


  1. Live your life consciously.

  1. Evaluate your life and previous goals before setting newer ones.

  1. Know the present impediments to your previous goals and the resources that’d be needed to achieve future ones e.g skills, time, discipline, management etc.

  1. Always bear your ‘WHY’ in mind while setting your goals.

  1. Make sure your goals are designed for you.

  1. You cannot set your goals and forget about them.

  1. Have a slippery setting system to accommodate short and long-term goals.

  1. Choose a method that suits your archetype or prototype such as the use of visual boards, mind maps etc.

  1. Understand who you are and evaluate how you’d like to set these goals.

  1. Write your goals in a compartmentalized manner, e.g have for work, home, physical living etc.

  1. Develop a routine for your goal setting and commit to it.

  1. Scribble every goal in an affirmative and confirmed manner. Set it as though it has happened.

  1. Lastly, develop the habit of evaluating your life and goals quarterly.


   Goal setting is awesome but if it’s not done properly, you’re likely to not bear the fruit it brings.

   Live Design Collective doesn’t want that for you. Take everything into consideration.

   Wanna hear more explanation, listen to today’s podcast episode here.



Liv Design Collective is a full interior design firm. In Liv, we believe in making your own signature in your designs or home decor. 


Furthermore, our podcast extension is based on our belief that there’s a need to design your life in your own unique way. You can learn more about us here.

Some of our products include:

Every human has a default archetype and more of this was said in the podcast.


Tune in and listen to today’s episode.


About The Show

Your Life by Design is a podcast initiative organized by the Liv Lifestyle Co.


The focus of the podcast is to help you improve, create, and design your life into something remarkable. 


Check us out:



Dig in to today’s podcast and redesign your life.


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