Celebrating Mothers with 50% Off E-Design. Through May 31st.

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With the holidays coming up, this month we are talking a lot about entertaining and many of us are planning a bit differently this year, scaling back our plans for small groups instead of big parties. Just because our groups are smaller doesn’t mean we can’t make gatherings feel special.  In fact, because they are smaller and our family and friends may be having more challenges at this time, all the more reason to create special moments! 

holiday expectation 4

Even gatherings with your own immediate family can still be memorable. Don’t hold back on doing things in a big way for your small events. Put up those party decorations, ask one of the kids to be your “waiter” and serve food, play loud music, make table cards for seating.

Here are some of the ways the Liv Team likes to make moments special:

  1. Create mood lighting: add lamps to dining areas to make it feel intimate and create the mood of closeness and connection.

  2. Diffuse oils in the room 1 hour before meal time. Smell is actually one of the strongest memory triggers, so start right now tying special times to those yummy smells that will make everyone remember immediately. 

  3. Set up your best table settings – break out grandma’s best china! Make beautiful table settings and design a gorgeous centerpiece. 

  4. Create new traditions. Follow through with that idea you’ve had or find new ones on the internet. Have a monster mash dance contest. Use a tablecloth for everyone to write on and pull it out every Thanksgiving. Read a Christmas book every night through December.

"the greatest legacy we can leave our children is happy memories"

– Og Mandino